So many different media / news sites are reporting that a big announcement from Billboard will happen this Monday regarding the BBMS and her preforming Make Me Ooh.
So get ready for official confirmation. Monday's going to be a great day.
This is whats being reported from z100:
"Weeks after Leach's initial report that the pop princess was set to film the music video for the cut in late April, which would follow an album release four weeks after the single's May release, the Las Vegas Sunjournalist is at it again with another teaser-like announcement about an announcement. We know. It can get quite tedious.
"Two weeks ago, I Wicked Whispered the possibility of Britney appearing on the live, three-hour telecast of the 2016 Billboard Music Awards at our new T-Mobile Arena on May 22," Leach wrote in a new column, which was posted on Friday (April 29).
Leach went on to warn the B Army about "a big announcement Monday from Billboard Music Awards producers that will make you all happy."
Here's to one of the strongest spirits the world has ever known ? We will miss you forever, Prince.