Britney Spears fansite run by fans for the fans, showing support to Britney, her Family and Team.


Here is the story to how this was found....

"My buddy John in Denver had opened a regular box of Pepsi and he was like, “ummmm britney is on my can?"

"So he took a picture of the box it came in and it was a regular box so I think they packaged the britney pepsi in the wrong case 😂"

"So then it turned into this Willy Wonka golden ticket manhunt"

"Where we all went to the store and opened the handles to see"

"Crystal went through a giant stack and found the real cases they were supposed to come in" - Jessica

Okay so this pic is from Jessicia the first pic to hit the Internet of it... please credit her if you use it.

"PSA: THE BRITNEY CANS ARE IN THIS BOX! The special marked box will have one of the three so check for the blue can and you’ve got Britney.

(2 Pepsi distributors told me that they are new and I should expect them in my area in the next month. So if you can’t find them now don’t lose hope.)" - Amanda

Thanks to:Jessica and Amanda from Britney's Bitches for this info & pics